Thursday, August 28, 2014

Free 200+ GB online storage drive (cloud service)

Computer hard drive is broken, there is a possibility. For so many back-up plan to keep the data that is stored safely. You can safely store data in the cloud-free case.

Special Services in the Cloud Computing Special computer or other device to the computer over the network can be used as a computing service. If the data in the cloud data theft, hard drive failure or to protect from natural disasters. In addition to the facilities at any location or device, it can be used on the Internet. Several organizations that offer free online storage service by adding more storage you can take advantage of 00 gigabaiterao users.

Saradaka -100 GB (http:
By signing up saradake 100 GB of free space available. Separately for downloading an app, or any other need to do anything. This advantage can be taken without the use of a web browser. 100 GB of data can be up to one terabyte of storage also increases. This site will inspire you to use in a campaign or a friend for free on this site are available for data storage increases.

Mega -50 GB (
Kim told the makers of the famous Megaupload website initiative 'mega'. To store information that can be used safely Mega. Android, BlackBerry, iOS platforms, as well as the browser can also be used in this mega. Free 50 GB of data can be stored here.

Edraibha -50 GB (http:
Save up to 50 GB of data has the advantage of edraibhe free. Edraibhe Android and iOS apps, as well as data can be stored on the web browser.

Oyanadraibha -15 GB (http:
Microsoft's cloud storage oyanadraibha skaidraibha was known before. Windows 8, Xbox 360 has built-in. If you are using an older version of Windows or Mac computer, you can download oyanadraibha. This is the Windows Phone, Android and iOS platform

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